Borys Ejryszew skrifar um reynsluna úr hérðasdómi

Hér má sjá skrif Borys Ejryszew um aðalmálsmeðferð í dómsmálinu sem lögreglustjóri höfuðborgarsvæðisins hefur höfðað gegn honum vegna meints brots á 19 gr. lögreglulaga. Hið meinta brot átti sér stað þegar Borys tók þátt í setumótmælum í opnu anddyri dómsmálaráðuneytisins á Sölvhólsgötu 7 þann 5. apríl 2019. Lögreglan kom um 10-15 mínútum eftir að mótmælin byrjuðu og handtóku mótmælendur um 3 mínútum eftir að hafa gefið þeim fyrirmæli um að yfirgefa anddyrið, sem þó er opið almenningi.

„Chicago 7, anyone?

Sorry for the extended silence, but I have been extremely tired after one of the most surreal and absurd experiences of my life.

Please read till the end and feel free to share:

Yesterday I have been brought to court on the pretext of violating the 19th paragraph of the police law. It is probably one of the most ludicrous and arbitrarily interpreted laws I have heard of. It states that „The public is obliged to obey instructions given by the police (…) to maintain law and order in public.“, but has been historically used as a reason to arrest the folk the state does not like to see on the streets demonstrating.

I have personally witnessed police snatching three RANDOM people and driving them away for standing with their mouths taped in front of the parliament.

My trial itself was nothing short of ridiculous either.

I knew I am being tried by Arngrímur Ísberg – the same man that has deemed Kári Orrason guilty for assumed breaking of 19th. And the same person that – in a clear violation of impartiality – HAS HIMSELF brought in extra evidence for the prosecution in the case of Lárus Páll – a man who has been single handedly protesting in front of the US embassy.

The judge has still managed to exceed my expectations.

He has refused to move the trial into a bigger room so that the public can fit in, literally yelled at Helga Baldvinsdóttir Bjargardóttir – my second lawyer – to not address him, since she is not formally representing me, when she was trying to ask a valid question, he then ENTIRELY dismissed all questions of my defendant Helgi Þorsteinsson pointing towards disproportional use of force by the police and has refused to bring back a key witness from the side of the police – which has been logged in the record. 

The prosecutor herself had almost nothing left to do. By this point it was clear that – no matter the arguments – he has already made up his mind and we will be forced to seek an appeal.

It is not until in my lawyer´s final speech that the tables have budged – if not yet turned.

It was then revealed that through a titanic amount of work Helgi and Helga have compiled over 400 pages of rulings of both European Court of Human Rights and Icelandic courts. The rulings prove that similar actions by the police were found in clear violation of both Icelandic constitution and the international law. Those 400 pages dropped on the judge´s desk like a brick. It is an exceptional amount of homework left for him to do.

The sentence will be delivered in few weeks from now, please stay tuned. From this spot I woudl also like to thank both Helgi and Helga and highly recommend them as legal representants

Remember – the fight for refugees equal treatment is far from over. If you have the means – support the people sentenced for activism by donating to Styr – a solidarity fund:

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kt. 510219-1550

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